Lolo - 2007-04-17 20:27:40

Official site

Gra jest darmowa. Jest to przeróbka do standardowego pristontale

Free statistic distribution
Free gender selection accordance to each class
Total of 40 different advanced classes based on 8 basic classes
Facial/Vocal system integration for each character?s emotions
Various avatar building with combined hair style
Unique class-skill-system
Antagonistic relation setting between Monster and Users, -Non-simple continuous hunting
Background stories of each NPC and town. The adventure of fantasy life.
User oriented destiny development based on the continent history
Guild lines with various in-game quests
Never-ending story based updates and balancing
Item crafting system, which users can create by themselves
Item upgrade system
Various color change options on weapons and armors
Legendary-set-item-system: Boost user?s item collecting desires
1 on 1 PK
Party vs. Party
Massive Guild vs. Guild battle
Survival battles against monsters in limited battle field
Contribution point system for fame and advantages that users can have
Pet System: 4 elemental types of pets exist. Each pet has unique skills to achieve along with different looks
Free trade system: Free trade system between users and middle-men trade system to NPCs give more various options.

Tutaj lepszy downlaod bo ten ze stronki nei dziala … 239&page=0

Aktualnie w ta gre gram, jedyny bug jaki tu jest to ze na najlepszym kompie bedzie sie tnelo z powodu tego ze gra jest jeszcze w fazie alpha i jest niedopracowana POZDRO


Screeny wykonane przez kolege

Troche filmikow

                                                                                                        by Lolo wolne apartamenty Dziwnów